Tara Chadwick

Bridgetown High School Behaviour Expectation Signs

Bridgetown High School is proud to be a Positive Behaviour Strategy school with over-arching expectations of Kindness, Resilience, Responsibility and Respect.

Bridgetown High School teacher Meegan Cullen explains how these ideals are conveyed, “These behaviour expectations are promoted around the school. Students learn how to demonstrate these behaviours, at school and in their daily lives, through lessons, discussion and hands on activities.

“Students are acknowledged for showing positive behaviour.

“Our students were asked to submit designs to be considered as the poster design that would display the four school behaviour expectation values around our school. Students voted on their favourite design and Tara Chadwick’s bridge design was chosen as a favourite.

“Tara’s design was then taken to graphic designers, where we worked on the process of refining and highlighting its details. Due to various factors, there was a longer than expected delay between poster design and sign installation, but we are happy to report that our excellent expectation signs have now been installed around the school. The vinyl and metal signs adorn the school halls, common room and outside areas. They stand outside classrooms as visual reminders.”

Artist, Tara Chadwick, graduated from Bridgetown High School last year.

“We are happy that she has returned to the school to be acknowledged for her wonderful contribution, her designed posters brighten the school and send a positive message.” Meegan concludes.

Tara Chadwick’s design is a clever concept, encompassing the ideals of kindness, resilience, responsibility and respect which are etched into the arch support columns of a bridge, on which there are teenagers walking across at sunrise, a new dawn.

Tara has first nation heritage and has used Aboriginal symbols and painting techniques under the bridge within the flowing river and on its banks, she then has used other symbols on the grassy paddocks on either side of the river to give texture.

Tara’s design is special, though when asked about her artistic talents she understates her abilities.

Tara explained, “I draw and paint my art as a way of relaxing, it helps me to destress.

“I used windup crayons to create the initial design, making it bright and colourful.

“With the art I’ve produced I’ve managed to cover the walls in my room with posters over time; there’s a giant tree in one corner,” quietly qualifying, she said “All posters are attached to the wall with Blue Tac.”

Tara really enjoyed her time at Bridgetown High School, her experience was of a positive nurturing environment in which she excelled academically, and also in sport, winning several awards for art, sport and academia.

Tara is very pleased to be leaving a legacy of these signs which are now displayed in numerous areas within the school grounds, promoting very worthwhile ideals we should all live by.

This Story was published on December 5th 2024
In Issue 338 of The Mailbag
© The Quality Shop 125 Hampton Street Bridgetown Western Australia 6255