Tracey and Anthony Flemming, Amber Sparks, Angela Paget-Stedman and Rob Snelling

One Act Season

Bridgetown Repertory’s next production is a ‘One Act Season’ which will be presented in July and August and will be a set of three award winning one act plays. The three plays are all comedies, but three very different comedies which promise to deliver an interesting and amusing night’s entertainment.

Rob Snelling will direct his self-written play, ‘Kiss My Lips’, which previously won the Best Original Script Award and the Best Female Actress Award with Ruth Roberts playing the role of a night club singer at the South West One Act Play Festival in 2004.

The play is set in a bar which is situated across the road from a nightclub, Kiss My Lips introduces us to four characters.

Angela Paget-Stedman plays the role of Amanda, a wife who has escaped from her husband and comes to the bar, she is suffering from domestic control issues. Meegan Cullen plays the role of Stella, a night club singer who is drinking too much and Amber Sparks, in her debut role, plays the part of Brian, who is coming to terms with himself and struggling to be accepted.

The bartender and Brian’s brother is played by Anthony Flemming. Like all good bartenders, he knows when to pour, when to speak and when to listen and keeps reminding everyone his sister’s name is Tracy and not Brian.

These characters, although very different, find themselves connected as they are all searching for some solace. Their life difficulties and dreams play out in poignant and humorous conversations and interactions.

The second one act play is ‘Mediocrity’, a play written by Anton Krueger that is directed by Richard Allen.

Richard Allen is an experienced actor and production manager with the Repertory club, here he will debut as director of Mediocrity and says, “I’m am really enjoying my role as a director, it’s early days with the play and it is progressing well.”

He explains “Alan Wilson is playing the role of the Doctor, and Hugh Litson is the narrator of the play. Julie-Anne Leggett is playing the role of the domineering wife and there is a debut role for Dave Perry who has the part of the bully.”

This comedy borrows elements from both the Commedia Del’ Arte, the comedy of the profession, and Burlesque traditions to send up doctors, wives, acts of brutality and death.

It is for a general audience, and it caters for those who may particularly enjoy the exaggerated absurd characters.

The main protagonist, Kenaf, has just learnt that he’s about to die and has only three days to live, this changes his life dramatically as he finally stands up to his domineering wife, then to a bullying brute, and then to his know-it-all condescending doctor.

As it turns out, there has been a mistake on the part of the doctor, but Kenaf will never be the same.

The audience will particularly enjoy the over-the-top caricatures on stage. “It’s always a good feeling when you get to see the bullies getting their just desserts.”

The third play is ‘Under the Bright Sun’ written by Norm Foster and directed by Grace Hitchin.

Grace has recently moved to Bridgetown bringing with her many years of experience from the time she spent with the Harbour Theatre in Fremantle. Norm Foster is a favourite playwright of hers and she is delighted with her debut role as director of this play in the one act season.

This play introduces a new face to the repertory club, and sees some familiar faces return. Mark Moscarda, plays the role of the struggling bystander, and Luke Gloede and Julia Robinson are a loving couple.

The four people wait at a bus stop, where their conversation turns from work and life to questioning their very existence, they question their lives and loves.

During these everyday interactions they ask those big burning questions... Who are we? Where are we?

“The play has clever dialogue and is very funny, with unexpected twists and turns throughout and it has a very unexpected ending which will leave the audience happy and smiling as they leave, and is therefore the ideal play to end the show.” Grace explains.

The plays will be presented on Friday 26th, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th of July, then the following week on Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of August. Friday and Saturday will start at 7pm and the Sunday matinees start at 2pm.

Bookings through trybookings or tickets at the door.

This Story was published on July 2nd 2024
In Issue 344 of The Mailbag
© The Quality Shop 125 Hampton Street Bridgetown Western Australia 6255