Transport services are a big issue across the Warren-Blackwood region for young people. In the regions, being able to drive is a necessity for getting to employment, spending time with friends and in some cases being able to attend training facilities.
Obtaining their drivers licence gives our youth an opportunity to explore other options with fewer restrictions.
Blackwood Youth Action (BYA) has identified that some young people across our region have limited access to a suitable vehicle or to someone with the necessary experience to accompany them in achieving their required ‘logbook’ hours.
The BYA Driver Support Program has been created to address this issue, by supporting young people to complete the 50 hours of supervised ‘logbook’ experience with one of our Volunteer Driving Mentors.
BYA has partnered with Regional Youth Driving Education (RYDE) to create the Warren-Blackwood RYDE program. This program provides software specifically for RYDE which allows BYA Driver Support Program to book, coordinate and link with young people with mentors, and allows service providers and support workers to connect young people with our program.
BYA has the ability to deliver the sessions in Bridgetown and in Manjimup. It has two vehicles, a manual and an auto; these vehicles were purchased in 2022 and are fully insured and well maintained through this program.
This program has already had good support from people interested in mentoring but there is always a need for more. Each session is 90 minutes long and there is no minimum or maximum number of sessions a mentor must do.
Our mentors are the key to the success of this program, helping young people to become more responsible and independent. The mentor role can be a rewarding experience as they support young people with their hours, share knowledge about negotiating roads, and build supportive relationships with the young person.
There is a cost to the young person of $15.00 per session which goes towards the running of the program.
Anyone wishing further information on this great program, or anyone interested in becoming a Volunteer Driving Mentor, Contact Program Manager on 97993364 or
This Story was published on March 7th 2023
In Issue 329 of The Mailbag
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