Tony Domoney.
Many Bridgetown folk ask me: What is Freemasonry? What is this building and what is it for?
Why the secrets? Why the mysteries?
They know that we sell books for charity three times a year but are intrigued when I tell them we are Freemasons with traditions going back to the Middle Ages and symbolically practice ancient ceremonies based on the Old Testament and ancient practices. That our Ancestors were Stone masons and Architects who built the Castles and Cathedrals of Europe and modern buildings we see today.
Some want to know more. So, having discussed this matter with my brethren in Lodge we decided to approach ‘Mail Bag’ to see if you would publish our story.
Freemasonry goes back a very long way in History. In some ways it could be considered History itself. A story of encyclopedic scale. There are so many mis-understandings and false stories of Masonry that I believe could best be served by advertising the truth in our Bridgetown media.
What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is one of the World’s oldest and largest fraternities. Its history and traditions date back to antiquity. It is recognized and practiced in most Countries worldwide. Its purpose is to promote Universal benevolence. Its bonds of friendship, compassion and brotherly love has survived the most divisive political, military, and religious conflicts throughout the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum nor a place of worship instead it is a friend of all faiths regardless of cultures.
Why Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is a Society of Men who strive to live by the fundamental principles of integrity, charity and goodwill. It is a non-profit organization that is heavily involved in charity and community services within the area surrounding each Lodge. It is a society that unifies men of high ideals regardless of color, creed or worldly status
There are approximately five million Freemasons worldwide and about 75,000, in Australia and New Zealand. There are Lodges in most Countries and they all follow similar ceremonies. Differences may occur due to Cultural diversities. The Bridgetown Lodge has two “daughter” Lodges. Greenbushes and Manjimup-Warren.
Who are Freemasons?
Many outstanding Australians have or are Freemasons today who come from virtually every occupation and profession. Within the fraternity all men are equal. They come from diverse political ideologies and differing religious beliefs. We meet as friends all believing in a Supreme being and respect for each other. Men from all walks of life meet together in peace, conducting their affairs in harmony and friendship, calling each other Brother.
In Australia; Robert Menzies, Donald Bradman, Charles Kingsford Smith and Weary Dunlop are just a few names from the long list of notable Freemasons.
What do Freemasons do?
Freemasons are respectable citizens who conform to the moral laws of society and abide by Government laws where they live. They are men of charity and good works. Bridgetown Masons contribute to the welfare and charities active within the Bridgetown community. Hospitals, Homes for the elderly, Schools and other worthy causes.
This Story was published on June 1st 2021
In Issue 310 of The Mailbag
© The Quality Shop 125 Hampton Street Bridgetown WA 6255