Lyn Whitney, Di Smith, Denice Nock, Jenny Ingram, Cathy Willis,
Lorraine Harrison, Lyn Pendlebury, Celine Woods and Rita Baldock

New Golfing Day for Women

By way of introducing more women who live within our community to the benefits and pleasures of playing golf, Cathy Willis from the Bridgetown Golf Club has devised a new Ladies Golf Day, a Friday nine-hole round of golf where those women who would like to, can come and play or learn the game.

Cathy, who is the Vice Captain of the Ladies Bridgetown Golf Club and Treasurer, explains this initiative, “We are hoping to attract to the golf club women of all ages and those ‘stay at home mums’, Fly-in-Fly out women workers or ladies with flexible work hours, and introduce them to the game of golf with a format of the game which will only take around two hours to play, a time when the kids are at school or they have time on their hands.

“We are planning to hold these days on a Friday, 10:45am turn out for 11am start. Those who attend will be rewarded with a bit of ‘Me Time’ and a taste for golf. They will also experience the benefits of playing golf: as well as its fitness regime, it’s a great social and a fulfilling recreational activity.

“We will be able to lend those who attend, golf clubs and the equipment they will need to get started and to see if they enjoy the game, and also, wherever possible a club member will accompany them around the course to explain the basics, encourage and guide them through nine holes of golf.

“We are making it as easy and as inexpensive as we can for those who have thought they might like to give golf a go, so come along and play a round of golf with us, we will explain it all then.

“For the new female golfers, we will also be holding ‘Taste of Golf’ golfing clinics which will be professionally run, these will be conducted by Shani Waugh. She will be holding beginners’ clinics to teach the basics of hitting the ball well, and getting your swing just right.

“When I came to Bridgetown some twelve years ago, I had flexible hours at work and being new to town, I joined the golf club. I can honestly say it was the best introduction into the community I could of wish for. I now also wish I had started playing years earlier.”

The main golf day for ladies is on the Wednesdays when 18 holes of golf is played, the Friday ladies can transition to this format when they have the time or want the benefits of more serious competition.

The golf course itself is in remarkable condition since the February fire, mostly because of the work of the members who have managed to keep the greens watered. Initially a water tanker was loaned from the Bush Fire Volunteer Support Group to allow for the watering, and for the harder to get at greens a water tank was towed around.

The Bridgetown Golf Club has been supported well by those in our community and by Golf Clubs throughout Western Australia since the fire, and whilst there is no Clubhouse at the moment there is a great shed. The Club will ‘Rise from the Ashes’ with a beautiful new Clubhouse and facilities.

Cathy also went on to say “I love golf because I see golfers as the ‘salt of the earth’ people, their resilience and good nature comes from playing a game they love, through sickness and health and in conditions of rain, hail or shine, and don’t worry ladies your handicap covers all bases!”

If you are interested in going along to the Ladies golfing Friday and future planned Golfing Clinics or if you would like any further information, phone or text Cathy on 0414 699 021.

This Story was published on July 5th 2022
In Issue 322 of The Mailbag
© The Quality Shop 125 Hampton Street Bridgetown Western Australia 6255